by Kurt Goetzinger | Mar 26, 2020
BNT Great Plains Fiber PROJECT SCOPE Hired by Great Plains Communications and BNT Fiber, Valley Corporation began work on the culverts, wetlands, and creeks 10 miles south of Wayne on the 25th of October, 2019. Through directional drilling, plowing, and fiber...
by Kurt Goetzinger | Feb 12, 2020
Avenue One – Sewer Construction PROJECT SCOPE Valley Corporation began installation of sanitary and storm sewer work in October of 2019 on an innovative new “mixed use development” in the 192nd and Dodge area. A comprehensive installation complete with sanitary...
by Kurt Goetzinger | Feb 11, 2020
Blair Sanitary Sewer PROJECT SCOPE Valley Corporation was hired by the City of Blair, NE to complete improvements upon its sanitary sewer system. This project was multifaceted, and in addition to the sewer improvements, required preparation of the sewer site, as well...
by Kurt Goetzinger | Feb 9, 2020
G & G Lift Station PROJECT SCOPE Valley Corporation began a project for the G&G Subdivision in November of 2019, designed to aid in the elevation of wastewater through the use of force main and 8” sanitary sewers. This comprehensive project also included the...
by Kurt Goetzinger | Jan 28, 2020
Rivers Edge | City of Council Bluffs PROJECT SCOPE The City of Council Bluffs, Iowa hired Valley Corporation for a multi-faceted project for River’s Edge, with construction beginning in February of 2018. This particular project required two phases of grading, followed...