Keith Peyton, Superintendent at Valley Corporation

Keith Peyton, Superintendent at Valley Corporation

At Valley Corporation, we have always believed that a workforce of supported, happy employees is the most solid foundation for success… and after all our years in construction, we know a thing or two about foundations!

When we talk about “success,” we don’t just mean financial gains, or success for the company overall. We take the personal successes of our employees very seriously, and want the people who work for us to feel that their talents and time are valued and appreciated. Our ultimate goal is not to simply be the “best construction company in Omaha,” but to be the “best construction company to work for in Omaha.”

In order to lift up the people who choose to share their skills and effort with Valley Corporation, we’re excited to introduce a new monthly feature on our blog: The Valley Corporation Employee Spotlight! Each month you can learn a little bit about one of our valued employees, and find out why they think Valley Corporation is the best place to work in Omaha!

Valley Corporation’s General Superintendent: Keith Peyton

We’re kicking off this series with our General Superintendent, Keith Peyton! Keith has been an important part of the Valley Corporation team for 4 years. He started with us as a Superintendent, and has since worked his way up to General Superintendent. He continues to be a highly-appreciated part of our elite construction team! We asked Keith a few questions about working for Valley Corporation, and are proud to share them with you here!

Construction Experience & Qualifications in Nebraska

How long have you worked in the construction industry, and what positions have you held?

Keith: “I have been working in the construction industry for 17 years. I started interning in construction in 2003, and graduated from college in 2005. I started as a QC Manager on airport projects for two years, and then moved into a Superintendent role.”

Current Role at Nebraska’s Top Construction Company

What is your role at Valley Corporation?

Keith: “I’m currently transitioning into a General Superintendent role, but started out as a Superintendent. The General Superintendent position will transition more as the Hines Project comes to completion in a year.”

How did you hear about Valley Corporation? What made you want to work here?

Keith: “Valley Corp was a subcontractor on one of my projects, and at the time I felt like I needed to make a change with my career. I talked to a few people from Valley, and felt it would be a good fit. I remember meeting Matt and Al early on a Saturday morning, and leaving feeling good about the direction Valley Corp was headed.”

What is the most challenging project you’ve worked on during your time here so far?

Keith: “The most challenging project would have been my first project here. It took some time to adjust and get used to the Valley Corp process. Every project has its challenges and difficulties, but as a team we adjust and make changes to get through them.”

Why Choose To Work At Valley Corp

What is your favorite thing about working at Valley Corporation?

Keith: “I like the small company feel. If you ever have a problem, you can always go talk to anybody. Matt’s door is always open and the future is looking strong.”

Talk to us about the evolution of your role. You now manage a multimillion dollar project and 15 Superintendents, what’s that been like?

Keith: “I was a Superintendent on big projects with my previous employer, so the Hines project is what I’m used to managing. The bigger projects take more time in planning and looking forward to where you’re headed. If you aren’t looking ahead for obstacles or problems that might occur, you tend to fall behind. The transition to General Superintendent has been a little slow due to still being Superintendent of the Hines project, but over time more responsibilities will be added.”

What do you think makes you most effective as a leader for our Superintendents?

Keith: “A Superintendent’s first priority is safety for everyone on the crew. When we take care of safety and deliver a quality product to the owners — on time and under budget — we have a successful project. My new role is to assist Superintendents so that this can be achieved.”

After being in the construction industry for 17 years, what do you find most unique about Valley Corporation’s company culture?

Keith: “We have the family atmosphere and ‘small company’ feel. If anyone has any problems, we can come together as a team and make the adjustments needed. We are striving to be the best in the industry, and have made huge improvements to make that our goal.”

What are your hobbies outside of Valley Corporation?

Keith: “I like to hunt, and I have three little kids at home who keep me busy.”

What does it take to grow as a leader and advance professionally through Valley Corporation?

Keith: “Being able to communicate and plan ahead for what is coming in the future. Being a leader who is able to bring new ideas to make the company better, and being able to learn from your mistakes.”

Any final comments that you’d like to add?

Keith: “Valley Corp has allowed me to develop in both my personal and professional lives. When I first made the move to come work at Valley Corp, people had doubts about my decision. I don’t always like to make changes, but by changing my employment I feel like it advanced my career. Always try to better yourself everyday, and don’t be afraid to take chances. I changed my way of thinking and it has made me more successful in life.”

Thank you, Keith, for taking the time to chat with us, and for being such a dependable, inspirational part of our team!

Want to join a winning team here at Valley Corporation?

We’re not kidding when we say our goal is to be the best employers in Omaha, Nebraska. We go out of our way to provide a “small company” atmosphere with “big company” benefits. We’re adding multiple key positions to this fun, fast-paced team, and we’re looking for talented go-getters. If you’re looking for contractor jobs in Omaha & Council Bluffs, please check out our current construction contractor job in Omaha and apply today!